For Vascular Health, Boost Your Flavonoid Intake
Introduction: Flavonoids are a group of plant pigments that are responsible for many of the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, juices, and herbs. As a class of over 8,000 compounds, flavonoids are sometimes called “nature’s biological response modifiers” because...

The Radiation-Proof Diet & Supplement Plan
Protect yourself from daily toxins, environmental hazards, and even radiation exposure with this antioxidant-based health regimen Earlier this year, the nuclear crisis in Japan led to a run on potassium iodide (KI) supplements in health food stores and pharmacies...

EPA and DHA Levels are Dangerously Low in Vegans and Vegetarians
Introduction: As humans, we all have some basic and essential nutritional needs whether we choose to be omnivores, vegetarians, or vegans. Is one of these diets healthier than the next? Only within their contexts if they can provide adequate levels of essential and/or...

One of the heartiest of the grains, rye is more nutritious than its cousin, wheat. Rye was originally a wild grass found in Central Asia. Traditionally considered food for the poor, rye’s popularity fell as living standards increased in the times of ancient Greece and...
Beauty from Within
How olives, green tea, hyaluronic acid, and silicon can make your more beautiful Radiant and vibrant hair, skin, and nails have long been associated with good health. While most people try and improve the appearance of these tissues from the outside, the real secret...

Pycnogenol® Improves Psoriasis
Introduction: Psoriasis is a painful and visible inflammatory skin condition that affects nearly 8 million people and often leads to embarrassment and even depression. A new study conducted at a major university in Italy found that supplementation with Pycnogenol®, a...

Although garlic is extremely popular, few know that it is actually a member of the lily family. Garlic is a native to Central Asia, and as one of the oldest cultivated plants, its usage predates written history. Sanskrit records document the medical use of garlic as...

Stitch in Time
Understanding your genetic clock and how to slow it down For many years, it was thought that cells were immortal if provided an ideal environment. That belief was discarded in the early 1960s when Leonard Hayflick, PhD, observed that human fibroblasts in tissue...

Magnesium for Chronic Low Back Pain
Introduction Low back pain (LBP) affects roughly 25% of North Americans within any three-month period and is the major cause of pain and worker disability. Although 80% to 90% of people with LBP improve by 12 weeks, others will continue to report symptoms for more...

A member of the plum and cherry family, apricots are classified as a drupe, or a fleshy, one-seeded fruit enclosed as a pit. Apricots are thought to have originated in China, with records showing them being consumed there for thousands of years. Alexander the Great is...