September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Prostate cancer (PC) is the most diagnosed form of cancer in American men. Each year there are roughly 200,000 men that are diagnosed with PC and over 30,000 will die from it. In many respects, PC is the mirror of breast cancer in women. It is a hormone-sensitive...

Carnitine Improves Daytime Alertness in Narcolepsy
Introduction Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone in response to strong emotions), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep abnormalities. Narcolepsy patients are at a higher risk of obesity and...

There are over 150 different varieties of figs, varying dramatically in color from green and purple, to black. Because figs are extremely perishable, they are often enjoyed dried. Figs are referenced in many ancient texts, including the Bible. The fig tree is native...

Blood Pressure Drugs Increase Risk for Breast Cancer
Introduction: More than 60 million Americans have high blood pressure (high BP) including more than half (54.3%) of all Americans age 65 to 74 years old and almost three quarters (71.8%) of all American blacks in the same age group. High BP is a major risk factor for...

Natural Remedies for Indigestion
Beat acid reflux with these home remedies By Jane Wilkens Michael | Posted August 20, 2013 on SPRY Acid indigestion is not normally considered a life-threatening illness. In the old days they just called it heartburn. My Aunt Ruby used to frequently get it after she...

Does Tylenol Help Or Hurt You?
When most people think of Tylenol (acetaminophen), they consider it a gentle pain reliever — safe enough for their children to take. Here’s the reality: Every year acetaminophen is the reason for over 100,000 calls to poison control centers, 50,000 emergency room...

Peas come in three different varieties: garden, snow, and snap. The history of the pea is unknown, although it is believed that they originated in the Middle East and moved to Central Asia. Centuries of cultivation were required in both Europe and Asia to create the...

Diet has Profound Impact on Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder associated with progressive deterioration of memory and cognition. In the United States, Alzheimer prevalence is now estimated to affect about 20% of individuals in the 75–84 years group and 42%...

How to Detox from Anesthesia
Easy ways to bounce back quickly… Most adults are familiar with that woozy state that occurs after undergoing anesthesia for surgery or even a screening procedure such as colonoscopy. In most cases, the aftereffects of the anesthetic wear off within a few hours. But...

Celery is a biennial vegetable, meaning it grows in a cycle of once every two years. While commonly thought of as light green, in Europe celery is often white. Today’s celery developed from a wild variety, native to the Mediterranean region. Dating as far back as the...