Considered a summer squash, zucchini are a member of the melon family. Other summer squash include crookneck, straightneck, and pattypan squash. Zucchini are native to Central America and have been consumed for over 10,000 years. Squash spread throughout North and...

Natural Medicine –Better health tips
Q: My sleep problems started after age 30 and grew worse as I became a mother. I wake in the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep. Why do we have a harder time sleeping as we age, and what can I do? A: One of the biggest causes of sleep-maintenance...

Silent Inflammation Linked to Macular Degeneration
Introduction: Silent inflammation reflects an underlying low-grade stimulation of the inflammatory process with no outwards signs of inflammation. The only way that it is apparent is looking a blood levels for markers of inflammation like C-reactive protein. Silent...

Did you know that a watermelon can weigh upwards of 90 pounds? Watermelons are native to the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa. Depicted in hieroglyphics on ancient Egyptian tomb walls, dating back as far as 3,000 B.C.E., watermelons were left to nourish the dead in...

Sleeping Pills Can Be Deadly
When you can’t sleep, the temptation to pop a sleeping pill is strong. But did you know you could be risking your life? There’s a large body of research indicating that sleeping pills may contribute to as many as 500,000 deaths each year in the United States. Most...

Fish Oil Supplementation Reduces the Effects of Mental Stress
Introduction: Fish oils concentrated for EPA and DHA have been shown to have positive effects for patients with many different types of psychological disorders associated with stress including depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression), borderline personality...

Kiwifruit is perhaps one of the most unique fruits. With its brown fuzzy skin, and bright green meat, there isn’t another comparable fruit. Kiwi is native to China, where it was consumed for thousands of years. In the early twentieth century, missionaries brought kiwi...

7 Ways To Free Yourself From Food Cravings
Despite what you may have heard, overcoming food cravings has nothing to do with willpower. The body has powerful mechanisms that move us to eat. The brain is quite sensitive to drops in blood sugar when we haven't eaten, and releases a number of chemicals that drive...

Carnosine Produces Exciting Results
Introduction: Carnosine is a molecule composed of two amino acids, histidine and alanine that is naturally found in “excitable” tissues, such as muscle and nerve tissue, and reaches high concentrations in skeletal muscle and the brain. Because of carnosine’s...

3 Healthy Reasons To Enjoy Chocolate Every Day
Is there such a thing as a guilt-free pleasure when it comes to food? Absolutely, and chocolate is one of them. This delectable, seemingly addictive food is produced from the beans of the cacao tree, whose official name is Theobroma cacao. Its scientific name reflects...