New Study Shows Probiotics May Prevent ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Introduction: There is a growing amount of medical research indicating that alterations in the type of bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract can influence brain function, mood and overall mental health. A new study from Finland is the first to show...

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Depression
Introduction: Depression is a major public health problem, especially in women. Recent statistics indicate that approximately 63% of American women and 35% of men will experience clinical depression at some point in their lifetime. While depression is clearly a...

Unlock Your Fat Burning Genes
If you are like most people, you probably have a hard time taking the weight off and keeping it off. Maybe you’ve tried several diets that didn’t work, or you found one that did but by now you’ve gained all the weight back and then some. You’ve probably also...

Probiotic Supplementation Promotes Weight Loss
Introduction: Could weight loss be as simple as taking the right probiotic supplement? Based upon a growing body of evidence, the answer is a definite YES! The term probiotic is used to describe the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the human intestinal tract. The word...

New Research Shows Special Extract of Ashwaganda Protects Key Area of the Brain
Introduction: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the most revered plants in Ayurvedic medicine. Because the rejuvenating effects of Ashwagandha parallel those of Panax ginseng, it is frequently referred to as “Indian ginseng.” However, it is not a member of...

Statins Increase the Risk of Diabetes Even Greater than Expected!
Introduction: A new study again highlights the fact that using statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels are not at all risk free. Researchers found that statin use increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 46% in men. These results are a little better than...

Alpha-lipoic Acid Promotes Weight Loss
Introduction: With the growing epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes it is imperative that Americans utilize safe and effective strategies for achieving and maintaining their ideal body weight. The various drugs used to promote weight loss, as well as many dietary...

Dreaming of Better Sleep: 7 Natural Cures for Insomnia
When sleep seems an impossible dream, it’s tempting to reach for the pill bottle–and an instant fix. But sleeping drugs are not the answer to insomnia. In fact, they can be the stuff of nightmares. But here’s some good news: Some key dietary changes and supplements...

How to Juice for Healing Power
Juice has gotten a bad rap. We’re often advised to eat whole fruits and vegetables—for the fiber and because they are lower in calories than an “equal” amount of juice. But for the many Americans who don’t eat the recommended three to five servings of vegetables and...

Ginger as Effective as Synthetic Drug in Migraine, but Without the Side Effects
Introduction: Migraine headaches are estimated to affect over 28 million Americans. These headaches are caused by excessive dilation of blood vessels in the head and are characterized by a throbbing or pounding sharp pain. The standard medical approach is the use of...