Light Therapy is More Effective than Prozac in Major Depression
Introduction: Bright light therapy has a proven track record of success in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), commonly referred to as the winter blues. A new study from the University of British Columbia shows that this simple and safe therapy is...

Grape Seed Extract Lowers Blood Pressure in Double-Blind Study
Introduction: A simple dietary supplement has once again been shown to produce valuable health benefits. Specifically, a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition has validated the effects of a previous study showing grape seed extract can effectively...

Tomato Products Increase Lycopene Levels in Prostate
Introduction: Lycopene is a red pigment of the carotene class of compounds that is found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables. It has received a lot of attention because it is extremely protective against heart disease and the major cancers (i.e., breast,...

Promoting Satiety is Your Key to Weight Loss
Introduction: The research is quite clear that safe and effective weight loss is not about will power, deprivation, or counting calories. Ultimately, weight loss success is most often attributed to strategies and tools that impact appetite and portion control. In...

Resveratrol Shows Beneficial Effects in Ulcerative Colitis
Introduction: Resveratrol is a plant compound similar to flavonoids. It is found in the low levels of the skin of red grapes, red wine, cocoa powder, baking chocolate, dark chocolate, peanuts and mulberry skin. Red wine is perhaps the most recognized source of...

Unexpected Benefit from Furry Pets
Introduction: When most people think of the benefits of having a dog, cat, or other furry animal they would likely associate feelings of the unconditional love these animals extend to their owners. Pets are often able to boost our mood and fight off feelings of...

Ginger Effective in Relieving Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Introduction: Excessive menstrual bleeding, or menorrhagia, is a common female complaint that may be entirely prevented by a simple herbal prescription – capsules of ginger. The chief cause of functional menorrhagia (i.e., not caused by the presence of uterine...

Statistics on ER Visits Due to Dietary Supplements Misleading
Introduction: The media has once again failed to report the whole story or put things into the proper perspective when they reported on a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The headlines and...

Preventing Holiday Weight Gain
We all know its tough to get through a busy, festive, holiday season without packing on the extra pounds. Many people, in fact, gain from 7-10 pounds during the holidays. However, there are ways that we can cut down on the food intake without missing out on the fun....

Fish Oils Relieve Depression in College Students
Introduction: What if in the treatment of depression, physicians quit relying on manipulating brain chemistry with drugs and focused instead on supporting brain chemistry? Based upon the results of a new study with fish oil supplementation conducted at the University...