7 Habits that Are Good for You & the Planet
Our thoughts, actions, practices, and habits affect our health, but they also have an impact on the health of others and the health of our planet. Realizing this undeniable fact gives us the opportunity to create a better life for ourselves, but also to have a direct,...

Olive Polyphenols Promote Heart Health by Affecting Gene Expression
Introduction: In addition to the effects of the mono-unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, olive oil and olive extracts contain polyphenols with remarkable health benefits. Of these, extracts concentrated for oleuropein have been shown to lower blood pressure (BP) and...

Garlic — For Healthy Cholesterol and Immune Function
Garlic has been used throughout history virtually all over the world as a medicine. Its use predates written history. Sanskrit records document the use of garlic remedies to approximately 5,000 years ago, while the Chinese have been using it for at least 3,000...

Vitamin D Levels Drop Despite Massive Education Effort
A huge and growing amount of research has now shown that vitamin D deficiency is very common with some studies showing at least 50% of the North American general population having low blood levels of vitamin D – a finding thought to play a major role in the...
PGX Update

Eating Strawberries and Blueberries Cut Heart Attack Risk In Women
Strawberries and blueberries are rich sources of beneficial plant pigments known as flavonoids. In particular, these berries provide specific types of flavonoids known as anthocyanins, which provide exceptional protection against damage to the lining of blood...

Does Drinking Diet Soda Lead to Depression?
The common belief is that consumption of artificial sweeteners will lead to a reduction in the calories consumed. If true, this would then lead to weight loss or prevention in weight gain. Unfortunately, this effect is not what happens. Detailed studies have not shown...

Ip6: Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer Fighter
One of the most important nutritional products to be introduced in years is the combination of Ip6 - short for inositol hexaphosphate - and inositol. This combination of naturally-occurring compounds produced from rice bran has demonstrated impressive anticancer and...

How to “Beet” High Blood Pressure
More than 60 million Americans have high blood pressure (high BP) including more than half (54.3%) of all Americans age 65 to 74 years old and almost three quarters (71.8%) of all American blacks in the same age group. High BP is a major risk factor for a heart attack...

Obesity is Now the World’s Biggest Health Crisis
Throughout the history of mankind one of the biggest contributors to disease and suffering has been hunger, starvation, and malnutrition. Since the dawn of the 21st century obesity is now a bigger health crisis globally than hunger, and the leading cause of disease...