One Serving of Greens Daily Slows Brain Aging by Over a Decade

One Serving of Greens Daily Slows Brain Aging by Over a Decade

Is memory loss and decreased brain power inevitable as we age? Many people in their 40s, 50s and beyond are told that it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. Is that true? Of course not. Steps can be taken to not only stop memory loss, but also reverse it. Here is a simple step. New research from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that eating just one serving of leafy green vegetables a day takes a decade off an aging brain. Two servings produced even greater effects. I explain how below.

Blackberry Consumption Promotes Improved Insulin Action and Fat Burning

Blackberry Consumption Promotes Improved Insulin Action and Fat Burning

One of the biggest mistakes that people with diabetes or desiring weight loss do is stay away from fruit. While it is true that fruits contain natural sugars that have the potential to stress blood sugar control, they are also rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that provide considerable beneficial health effects.

The Best iPhone App for Permanent Weight Loss

The Best iPhone App for Permanent Weight Loss

The Best iPhone App for Permanent Weight Loss Learning the ways of eating foods that heal is a journey rich in rewards. Not only are you gathering powerful knowledge about what dietary practices and behaviors to follow in order to be vibrantly healthy or reach your...

Seven BIG Reasons to Love Whey Protein

Seven BIG Reasons to Love Whey Protein

Seven BIG Reasons to Love Whey Protein The protein market is booming from powders, bars, and beverages. Much of the increased demand reflects the push towards plant-based alternatives to animal-based proteins. Collagen protein from bone broth is another big player. I...

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