How to Eliminate Food Cravings

How to Eliminate Food Cravings

Despite what you may have heard, overcoming food cravings has nothing to do with willpower Oxygen, food, and water are the three main things we need to stay alive. If we’re deprived of any of them for a significant period (not very long, when it comes to oxygen), the...

Health Benefits of the Avocado

Health Benefits of the Avocado

Introduction: While many people are somewhat afraid of eating avocados because of their high fat content, research shows many health benefits being attributed to this wonderful fruit. Despite the dozens of varieties, the Haas avocado (Guatemalan) is the most popular...



Corn has become the quintessential symbol of the harvest season. Almost everyone grew up hearing the story of Native Americans sharing their knowledge of corn with the pilgrims, leading to the fabled first Thanksgiving. The earliest use of corn in Central America...

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato pie, casserole and other dishes, are frequently served at Thanksgiving dinner. A favorite of many, the sweet potato is not a member of the potato family. It is actually considered a Convolvulaceae, or morning glory family. Sweet potatoes are a native to...

Quiet Please

Quiet Please

Natural ways to silence the ringing, roaring, and hissing of tinnitus Millions of Americans suffer from tinnitus, a condition more descriptively known as “ringing in the ears.” People with severe tinnitus may have trouble hearing, working, or even sleeping. Causes...

Can Caffeine Worsen Depression And Anxiety?

Can Caffeine Worsen Depression And Anxiety?

Caffeinated drinks—such as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks—pep you up temporarily, but they may have a more insidious effect. They may worsen depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Several studies have looked at caffeine intake and depression. For example, one study...

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