Cantaloupes are one of my favorites. Muskmelon, incorrectly referred to as cantaloupe, is one the five most frequently purchased fruits in the U.S. A true cantaloupe is a completely different melon native to France, named for Cantalupo, a former papal villa near Rome....

As a member of the lily family and originally cultivated in ancient Egypt, asparagus is a superfood rich in nutrition. Nutritional Highlights: Low in calories and carbohydrates Rich in protein compared to other vegetables One cup of asparagus contains only 24 calories...

Long considered a delicacy around the globe, artichokes are actually the unopened flower of a thistle like plant. Artichokes are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables, and were brought to North America by French and Spanish explorers. Today, approximately 99% of...

How to Slow Down Your Genetic Clock
There has been a great deal of study in recent years about what causes us to age, and whether it’s possible to slow down our genetic clock. For many years it was thought that cells were immortal if given an ideal environment. This long-held belief was discarded in the...
April is National Autism Awareness Month
Autism is a condition characterized by difficulties with social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or narrow, obsessive interests that usually become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism spectrum or...

Melatonin in Autism – Effects on Sleep and Behavior
Introduction: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often experience problems with getting to sleep as well as sleep maintenance. The consequences of this poor sleep quality may include alterations in daytime behavior, memory, and learning. One of the possible...
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Disrupted Sleep Could Be Early Sign Of Alzheimer’s
Introduction Poor sleep quality and use of sedative hypnotic drugs (sleeping pills) is associated with a significant risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Use of these drugs was associated with a whopping 230% increase over an eight-year period in a study in France while in a...

Why A Natural Approach To Treating Type 2 Diabetes Beats Medicine
When I recently read the American Diabetes Association's 2013 Standards of Medical Care for Type 2 Diabetes, I found many extremely alarming guidelines. Foremost is the complete over-reliance on the pharmaceutical management of diabetes and its complications, along...

Getting the Niacin Story Right
Introduction: Since the 1950s niacin (vitamin B3) has been known to be effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. In the 1970s the famed Coronary Drug Project demonstrated that niacin was the only cholesterol-lowering agent to actually reduce overall mortality....