Peppers Protect Against Parkinson’s Disease

Peppers Protect Against Parkinson’s Disease

Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder that is the result of damage to the nerves in the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling muscle tension and movement. The damaged cells are the ones needed to produce the neurotransmitter...


Did you know that ginger is considered an erect perennial herb? Native to Asia, India, and China, ginger has been popular in these regions for thousands of years, where it was valued for its aromatic, culinary, and medicinal properties. Ginger grew in popularity in...

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month

What is hepatitis? Hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by many drugs and toxic chemicals, but in most instances it is caused by a virus. Viral types A, B, and C are the most common. During the period before liver involvement a person...


Did you know that the onion is a member of the lily family? Onions come in a wide variety of flavors, colors, and shape, which can be broken up into two main groups: spring/summer and storage onions. Spring/summer onions typically have a mild and sweet taste while...
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Probiotics

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Probiotics

Lots of patients ask me about probiotics. They know what antibiotics are, but they don’t really know what probiotics are for, when they should be used, and who needs them. It’s time to clear up the confusion. The term probiotic is derived from Greek, and...

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