Artificial Butter Flavor Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder associated with progressive deterioration of memory and cognition. In the United States, Alzheimer prevalence is now estimated to affect about 20% of individuals in the 75-84 years group and 42%...
Olive Oil and the Mediterranean Diet Affects Gene Expression
Background: There is no question that dietary habits can affect your health and risk for disease via a number of mechanisms. What you may not know that diet can also affect the way in which our DNA - our genetic material - is expressed. Our genes provide all the...
Natural Products Association President’s Award 2012
Congratulations Mike on receiving the Natural Products Association President's Award this year! Dr Murray's Acceptance Speech [hana-flv-player video='' /]
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Prostate cancer (PC) is the most diagnosed form of cancer in American men. Each year there are roughly 200,000 men that are diagnosed with PC and over 30,000 will die from it. In many respects, PC is the mirror of breast cancer in women. It is a hormone-sensitive...
NAC Produces Significant Benefit in Reducing Irritability in Autistic Children
Background: Autism is a condition characterized by difficulties with social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or narrow, obsessive interests that usually become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism...
Cinnamon Extract Tames Blood Sugar
Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. It was mentioned in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt not only as a beverage flavoring and medicine, but also as an embalming agent. Cinnamon was so highly treasured that it was considered more precious than gold....
Probiotics Useful in Reducing Hayfever and Respiratory Allergies
Background: Airborne allergens, such as pollen, dander, and dust mites, can lead to hayfever and asthma symptoms. There is some evidence that probiotics may be helpful in preventing and treating these allergic conditions. Specifically, studies have shown that giving...
Solving The Healthcare Crisis
In an election year, healthcare practices and policies are top of mind. How does natural medicine fit into the mix? The answer is in embracing wellness-oriented medicine. Wellness-oriented medicine provides a practical solution to escalating healthcare costs and poor...
Five to Thrive
Five to Thrive Live 5/23: Karolyn Gazella interviews Dr. Michael Murray about stress and cancer with an emphasis on natural stress relievers. Listen to the interview with Dr. Murray [ca_audio...
Whey Protein After Exercise
Background: Sports nutrition is becoming very sophisticated and the benefits are not reserved only for athletes. Everyone can benefit from the advances. In particular, it is very important to use nutritional strategies to enhance the effects of exercise in battling...