Although over 70% of them are made into pickles, cucumbers are nutritious and yummy in their own right. Cucumbers are a tropical plant that originated in Southeast Asia over 10,000 years ago. Early travelers to India introduced the cumber to other parts of Asia, and...

Fish Oil Supplementation Improves Periodontal Health
Introduction: Periodontal disease is an inclusive term used to describe an inflammatory condition of the gums (gingivitis) and/or support structures (periodontitis). The periodontal disease path typically progresses from gingivitis to periodontitis. Periodontal...

Rejuvenate Your Brain
PQQ a new wonder supplement may be able to help your brain fire on all cylinders no matter your age A recently discovered, vitamin-like compound known as pyrroloquinoline quinone—orPQQ—shows promise for boosting mental performance and memory. This naturally occurring...

Feeling Stressed? Try Ginseng
Nature provides us with several plants that can help our body fight the effects of stress. These beneficial botanicals are often referred to as “adaptogens,” because they help us adapt to, or cope with, stress. For many years, these plants have been used to: Restore...

Satiety is the Key to Weight Loss; Another Study Confirms PGX® is the Holy Grail
Introduction: The research is quite clear that safe and effective weight loss is not about will power or deprivation. Ultimately weight loss success is most often attributed to strategies and tools that impact appetite and portion control. In particular, the ability...

Radical Health
The importance of plant-based antioxidants The terms “antioxidants” and “free radicals” have become pretty common in recent years. Loosely defined, a free radical is a molecule that can bind to and damage a part of the body. Free radical or “oxidative” damage is what...

3 Fresh Juices for Arthritis Pain
Many of us, especially as we get older, experience the aches and pains of arthritis. Fortunately, there are several things we can do to help reduce the symptoms. Achieving an ideal body weight can help reduce stress on joints, and in turn ease pain. You can also try...

Dietary Flaxseed Intake Produces a Potent Antihypertensive Effect
Introduction Elevated blood pressure (high BP) or hypertension is a major risk factor for a heart attack or stroke. More than 60 million Americans have high BP, including more than half (54.3%) of all Americans 65 to 74 years of age and almost three-quarters (71.8%)...

Slumber Party
When you can't sleep, the temptation to pop a sleeping pill is strong. But did you know you could be risking your life? There’s a large body of research indicating that sleeping pills may contribute to as many as 500,000 deaths each year in the United States. Most...

A Baby Aspirin a Day is a BAD Prescription for Most
Introduction One of the most popular recommendations for preventing a heart attack or stroke in healthy people is the recommendation of a baby aspirin or low dose aspirin. Although extremely popular, this advice has NO scientific support. According to two detailed...