Astaxanthin Vibrancy

Astaxanthin Vibrancy

There are more than 400 different members of the carotene family of pigments in nature. Historically, the potency of a carotene in improving human health was based on its ability to be converted to vitamin A. For example, beta-carotene, the pigment that makes carrots...
Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are bundles of smooth muscle and connective tissue that can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit. Although they are sometimes called “tumors,” fibroids are not cancerous. However, because they disrupt the blood vessels and glands in the...
New Study Shows Avoiding Sun Exposure is as Dangerous as Smoking

New Study Shows Avoiding Sun Exposure is as Dangerous as Smoking

Introduction: Conventional wisdom is that we need to avoid sun exposure in order to avoid skin cancer. However, one of the issues with conventional wisdom is that it is born out of convenience and not critical thinking. With all of the new data emerging on the...
The Power of Synergy

The Power of Synergy

In regards to life, one of the most interesting phenomena, is the power of synergy. A simple explanation of synergy is when 1+1 does not equal 2, but something much greater. In terms of our health, what the research shows is a tremendous synergetic effect between...
Nutrient Highlight -Astaxanthin

Nutrient Highlight -Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin Introduction There are over 400 different members of the carotene family of pigments in nature. Historically, the potency of a carotene in improving human health was based on its ability to be converted to vitamin A. For example, beta-carotene, the pigment...

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