The Positive “Estrogenic” Effects of Milk Thistle Extract

The Positive “Estrogenic” Effects of Milk Thistle Extract

Just as the media often creates stories on natural products that lack critical thinking and are fraught with incorrect conclusions, sometimes marketers of dietary supplements make the same mistake. As it relates to milk thistle extract (silymarin), there are warnings...
Smell Test Outperforms Brain Imaging in Predicting Dementia

Smell Test Outperforms Brain Imaging in Predicting Dementia

Introduction: The ability to correctly identify odors may prove to be a more functional approach to identifying people at risk for early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Currently, physicians have to rely on expensive medical imaging (CT, MRI, or PET scans) to look...
Helping with Anxiety During Perimenopause and Menopause

Helping with Anxiety During Perimenopause and Menopause

Although hot flashes get a lot more attention, another common symptom during menopause is an increased feeling of anxiety. In general, anxiety is twice as common in women than in men. During menopause as well as the time just prior (perimenopause), anxiety in women is...

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