Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato pie, casserole and other dishes, are frequently served at Thanksgiving dinner. A favorite of many, the sweet potato is not a member of the potato family. It is actually considered a Convolvulaceae, or morning glory family. Sweet potatoes are a native to...
Quiet Please

Quiet Please

Natural ways to silence the ringing, roaring, and hissing of tinnitus Millions of Americans suffer from tinnitus, a condition more descriptively known as “ringing in the ears.” People with severe tinnitus may have trouble hearing, working, or even sleeping. Causes...
Celery Seed Extract Lowers High Blood Pressure in Human Study

Celery Seed Extract Lowers High Blood Pressure in Human Study

Introduction: Elevated blood pressure (high BP) or hypertension is a major risk factor for a heart attack or stroke. In fact, it is generally regarded as the most significant risk factor for stroke. More than 60 million Americans have high BP, including more than half...
Clot Busters

Clot Busters

Natural ways to keep blood vessels clear One of the primary causes of heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis is the hardening of artery walls due to a buildup of plaque. Normally your arteries are very flexible, like a rubber tube, but plaque causes them to become...

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

Introduction The statistics on the growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes are staggering as it is now estimated that over 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes and are at high risk of developing diabetes. If things do not change one-half of all Americans...

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