Blueberry Consumption Improves Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Blueberry Consumption Improves Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Introduction:   Blueberries are among the most important foods for good health. The diverse and wondrous health benefits of blueberries are primarily due to their high content of specialized pigments known as anthocyanins. These special flavonoids are responsible...
Acute Sleep Loss Increases Blood Levels of Alzheimer’s Biomarker

Acute Sleep Loss Increases Blood Levels of Alzheimer’s Biomarker

agsdi-doctor New blood markers that reflect risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are uncovering important modifiable risk factors to be aware of to dramatically reduce the likelihood of ever suffering from this cruel disease. The latest study shows that just one night of...
Natural support for Vein Health

Natural support for Vein Health

Natural Support for Vein Health With summer almost here, I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some natural treatments for varicose veins. Although they are primarily a “cosmetic” issue, vein health may represent the overall health of connective tissue and our...
FDA Adds Black Boxed Warning to Insomnia Drugs

FDA Adds Black Boxed Warning to Insomnia Drugs

In an “it’s about time” move, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has mandated that drug companies put what is referred to as a “black boxed” warning on certain prescription sleeping pills. These drugs have long been reported to cause injury and death resulting...

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