Get a grip on anxiety
If you think prescription medications are the only option for anxiety and panic attacks, you’ll be happy to know about these very effective natural solutions... Read More

CoQ10 Supplementation Lowers Inflammatory Marker in Heart Disease Patients
Introduction In addition to the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (i.e., smoking, elevations in cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, diabetes, and physical inactivity/obesity), a number of other factors have, on occasion, been shown to be more significant...
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month
Introduction The statistics on the growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes are staggering as it is now estimated that over 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes and are at high risk of developing diabetes. If things do not change one-half of all Americans...

Probiotics in the Treatment of Childhood Constipation
Background Constipation in children is a very common occurrence affecting roughly 10% of children. It is characterized by bowel movements occurring less frequently than usual or stools that tend to be hard, dry, and difficult and painful to pass. The following are...

Natural Support for Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia
PharmaGABA is a safe and effective tool for increasing physical and mental relaxation—without drowsiness or side effects.

Prunes vs. Dried Apples – It’s a Tie!
Introduction According to the latest research, the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is fact, not just folklore. Researchers in Finland followed over 5,000 Finish men and women for over 20 years. Those who ate the most apples and other flavonoid rich...

Fish Oil Rich in DHA Improves Attention Deficit Disorder
Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affect about 10 million children in the United States. A little more than half of these children take amphetamine-type drugs for ADHD each day. ADHD is a major concern. A child with ADHD will likely...

Sleeping Pill Use Dramatically Increases the Risk for Dementia
Introduction Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs should be avoided. Because these drugs act in a powerful manner on brain chemistry, significant changes in brain function can occur leading to poor mental function, depression, and anxiety. These drugs have a long...

Melatonin Aids in Discontinuation of Prescription Sleeping Pills
Introduction: As a reader of Fast Facts, I assume that you are familiar with some of the key points detailed in my free book to subscribers: Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia: What the Drug Companies Won’t Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn’t Know. Chief among them is that...
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast cancer has reached near epidemic status among American women as it is currently estimated that one out of eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Currently, breast cancer causes over 40,000 deaths in the United States each...