Figs Relieve Constipation in Clinical Trial

Figs Relieve Constipation in Clinical Trial

How crazy is it that Americans spend over $2 billion a year on laxatives to deal with constipation? Here is something else to ponder, studies designed to determine the percentage of adults suffering from chronic constipation put the number between 24% to almost 50%....
The Rising Epidemic of Gout

The Rising Epidemic of Gout

More than likely you are familiar with gout, an inflammatory arthritis triggered by crystallization of uric acid within the joints. It causes severe pain and swelling. Gout has reached epidemic proportions in the Unites States as it now affects about 10 million...
New Study Shows Avoiding Sun Exposure is as Dangerous as Smoking

New Study Shows Avoiding Sun Exposure is as Dangerous as Smoking

Introduction: Conventional wisdom is that we need to avoid sun exposure in order to avoid skin cancer. However, one of the issues with conventional wisdom is that it is born out of convenience and not critical thinking. With all of the new data emerging on the...
Nutrient Highlight -Astaxanthin

Nutrient Highlight -Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin Introduction There are over 400 different members of the carotene family of pigments in nature. Historically, the potency of a carotene in improving human health was based on its ability to be converted to vitamin A. For example, beta-carotene, the pigment...
Resveratrol Shows Beneficial Effects in Ulcerative Colitis

Resveratrol Shows Beneficial Effects in Ulcerative Colitis

Introduction: Resveratrol is a plant compound similar to flavonoids. It is found in the low levels of the skin of red grapes, red wine, cocoa powder, baking chocolate, dark chocolate, peanuts and mulberry skin. Red wine is perhaps the most recognized source of...

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