
April 11, 2011

Achieving an ideal body weight is not about  dieting or food deprivation, it is all about  eliminating excessive hunger,  stabilizing blood sugar  levels and increasing the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction from food. the key tool in helping people achieve these  goals is the use of a newly developed matrix of soluble fibers known as PolyGlycopleX®  (PGX®) – the most  viscous and  soluble fiber ever discovered. In fact, calling it a “dietary fiber” is almost a disservice as PGX produces effects not achieved by other fibers. It is the most  important dietary supplement in North america today. PGX is not a blend of fibers, it is actually a novel new ingredient (α-d-glucurono-α-d-manno-β-d-manno-β-d-gluco), (α-l-gulurono-β-d-mannurono), (β-d-gluco-β-d-mannan).

PGX is Based on Clinical Success

the development of PGX is the result of years of extensive clinical and laboratory research at leading universities in collaboration with the Canadian Center for Functional Medicine. Further research has now shown that when added to virtually any food, PGX can reduce  the glycemic index of the food by an amazing 35 to 70 percent. Beyond that effect, clinical research has shown PGX to exert the following benefits:

• Reduces appetite and food cravings

• lowers the glycemic index

• Promotes healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range

• Great with all weight management programs

• safe, natural and stimulant free

New Data

the effects of PGX on body weight, food consumption, glucose, insulin and glucagon-like peptide (GlP-1) levels were determined in Zucker diabetic rats (ZDFs). ZDFs were treated  for 12 weeks  with normal rodent chow supplemented with cellulose (control, inert fiber), inulin or PGX at 5% wt/wt and effects on body weight, glycemic control and GlP-1 were determined. GlP-1 is associated with increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting weight loss. In this study, PGX improved glycemic control with the major findings being PGX increased plasma levels of GlP-1 and significantly decreased Hba(1c).

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