Quiz Results

Dr. Murray here, I’ve analyzed your answers to the Blood Sugar Quiz and I’ve isolated what I believe to be your #1 Challenge. I will be sending you an email shortly with your #1 Challenge and what you can do about it. Thank you for taking the...
Is Acne due to Sugar, Dairy Products, and Bad Fats?

Is Acne due to Sugar, Dairy Products, and Bad Fats?

Introduction Acne is clearly associated with diet. Strongly linked to acne is a diet high in refined carbohydrates, dairy, and the wrong type of fats. In Westernized societies, acne is a nearly universal skin disease afflicting 79% to 95% of teenagers. In men and...
Is the Best Treatment for Breast Cancer Watchful Waiting?

Is the Best Treatment for Breast Cancer Watchful Waiting?

Introduction: A newly published large study indicates the best treatment option for a common form of breast cancer may be no medical treatment. The study examined the results of treatment from over 100,000 women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a type of breast...

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