Landmark Vitamin K2 Study – Major Effect on Bone Health Noted

Landmark Vitamin K2 Study – Major Effect on Bone Health Noted

Introduction: Vitamin K is required for the production of the bone protein osteocalcin – a key component in the matrix of bone. Osteocalcin’s role is to anchor calcium molecules and hold them in place within the bone. A deficiency of vitamin K leads to impaired bone...


Spinach originated as a wild plant in Persia and East Asia and has been cultivated in China for over 2,000 years. Catherine de Médici brought spinach from her home in Florence Italy to France after marrying the king, giving birth to the name “à la Florentine”, a term...


Did you know that raspberries are not just limited to the color red, but also come in a wide range of colors from black and orange to yellow and white? Also, loganberries and boysenberries are actually hybrids of raspberries. Native to East Asia, raspberries are a...


As one of the most popular fruits in the world, the history of the oranges dates back to ancient times. The first reference of oranges was found in an ancient Chinese text from 500 B.C. Spanish missionaries brought oranges to Florida in the sixteenth century and has...


Although often thought of as sour, lemons actually are available in sweet varieties such as the Meyer lemon. Lemon trees are unique as they flower year-round, allowing the tree to produce fruit during any season. Lemons became extremely popular in the 1890s when...

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