plumsPlums are a relative both the peach and almond. There are over 200 different varieties of plums, coming in a rainbow of colors from blue and purple to yellow and green. Native to regions in China, America, and Europe, plums were spread by the Roman Empire as they invaded other lands. Plums continued their dispersion throughout the world at the hands of Crusaders in the twelfth century, and Spanish missionaries as they colonized North America.

Nutritional Highlights:
• Plums are an excellent source of vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6.
• They also provide phenolic compounds and dietary fiber.
• A serving of approximately 2 plums contains only 46 calories.

Health Benefits:
• Plums are a great source of the phenols, neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid, which has been shown act as an antioxidant and have anti cancer properties.
• Dried plums, or prunes, can act as a laxative.

Plums are fantastic on their own or mixed in a fruit salad. Before consuming plums or using them in a recipe, allow them to reach room temperature. This allows them to attain their maximum level of juiciness and sweetness. Try using plums as a pizza topping! Paired with goat chees, walnuts, and sage, plums are a great addition to this savory pizza.

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