pineapplePineapples were named for its resemblance of a large green pinecone, and its flavor profile, which is often compared to a mixture of apples, strawberries, and peaches. Native to South America, European explorers introduced the fruit to other African, Asian and South Pacific colonies. Today, the United States is one of the world’s leading suppliers of pineapples, even though it is only grown in Hawaii.

Nutritional Highlights:

  • Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese.
  • It also provides vitamins B6 and B1, copper, magnesium, and dietary fiber.
  • Just one cup of pineapple supplies 73.1% of the daily value of manganese.
  • 2/3 cup of pineapple has only about 45 calories.

Health Benefits:

  • Pineapple possesses bromelain, a sulfur-containing proteolyic enzyme that aids digestion.
  • Bromelain can also help break down mucus caused by respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Another benefit of bromelain found in pineapple, is its ability to reduce inflammation and swelling cause by conditions such as acute sinusitis, sore throat, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Pineapple is also a source of the trace mineral manganese, which is essential to energy production and antioxidant defenses.

Pineapple is great in paired with a variety of fruits and works well in a fruit salad. Great mixed in a smoothie or on top of cottage cheese, pineapple brightens up a variety of meals and snacks. Try making your own pineapple salsa at home by combining diced tomatoes, chili peppers and pineapple together. Another winning combination is Good Cacao Superfood Chocolate, and pineapple, combined for a healthy and tasty dessert.

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